The word is the work tool of the copywriter , a professional figure able to help freelancers and companies in communication.
The main objective is to write to sell thanks to an in-depth study and an optimized message. All of this happens on the web or in print.
But the above definition is reductive. Let's find out everything there is to know about copywriting professionals.
The word in English consists of two simple words and introduces the profession of advertising editor. The specialization is the writing of texts that are aimed at the sale of products and services .
A profession that today is very present on the web but which has already made its entrance with the print media. Copywriters are not always advertising experts and collaborate with other professionals - such as the art director - in the creation of brochures, advertisements, billboards and so on.
This professional figure does not write by chance and has the task of taking care of the details to get to transform simple common words into a tool of persuasion.
The question arises at this point: how much does a copywriter earn? There is no one answer that can be the same for everyone. It is a profession that requires study and passion, so much so that many people manage to achieve a good income.
Unfortunately, in many cases, the professional figure of the web copywriter is not seen as prominent. Companies that want to save opt for other figures who operate on the web: but writing to sell is different from writing texts to inform.
The professional copywriter still has a good profit margin. The solution to earn even more is to pay attention to the offers there are for employees and freelancers. The sites are always up to date and nobody forbids sending spontaneous applications, so as to show their portfolio to companies or freelancers.
A step forward translates into personal branding . The possibility of growth must be helped by making your name known and promoting your experience: to do this it is good to create a company website with a rich personal portfolio ( SEO optimized , of course).
The copywriter , as anticipated, is not just printed paper because today, with the advent of the internet, the one who works on the web is the most requested. Are there any differences? The work is the same even if those who work on the web must also have knowledge in technical terms.
The factors to consider are an excellent knowledge of the Italian language, professionalism in working with words and in-depth Seo. But not only that, in fact there are different types related to the internet world that can differentiate one copywriter from another.
This sector is innovative and is aimed at copywriters who already have experience and wish to take advantage of social networks as a communication tool.
These are sales-related posts with organic or paid content. With a studied and well done advertisement, satisfactory results are obtained.
In many cases the copywiter is also called to be an SEO expert , or in any case have the basic notions of SEO copywriting to optimize the texts (and bring them to the first page of the search engines ). Google understands texts and ranks them through content and keywords.
For this reason, today this professional figure must take a step forward and learn the techniques with the correct use of the meta description and title tag .
Optimized quality content always achieves the goals set by entrepreneurs.
Yet another typology that takes care of the details , the important ones and that go beyond the blocks of text composed of many words. In this case, the professional must pay attention to:
It is obvious that the details, in everything, make that substantial difference to success. A typology that requires not only blocks of text but in-depth study to arrive at a single result.
The answer to this question is: in so many ways. There are no schools or universities with courses of study for this type of creative profession. There are people who study far from this world and others who approach the profession by graduating in Communication Sciences.
Other professionals have studied self-taught and then gain experience in the field. In any case, it is good to understand if you have what it takes to become a creator of content aimed at selling: once this detail has been stated, it is time to gain personal experience.
The first thing to do is to create your own blog where you start writing, experimenting, creating and optimizing the texts. It must be taken as an exercise until it becomes the official tool for promoting one's work and the brand.
Subsequently it is good to gain experience starting from the bottom and trying to emulate the best, doing the real mess. In the meantime, it is also necessary to study and update oneself, as this world is in constant evolution and movement. A training course can untie knots, as can reading books that have been written to aid in entering the profession.
At some point along the way you may have the doubt whether to become a freelance or an employee. On the one hand there is safety following the requests of one's employer, on the other hand there is a personal management of the work and the great challenge in finding customers.
This is the solution that everyone would like for their life. Being free to manage time and work, putting yourself at the service of companies. Reality is not like fantasy, although the benefits are many.
Freelancers only accept clients they want and develop projects that match their professionalism. Being a creative work it is the inspiration that acts as gasoline. Among the disadvantages is the problem that each month, in terms of earnings, can be different facing ups and downs.
The employee copywriter is always a professional in the sector who puts his experience at the service of an agency or company. The advantages include continuous stability without having to find customers every day. What about the disadvantages? Having no room for movement and having to accept the work that is required, even when it does not fit your strings.